About Mickey Gotti

 He came from troubled beginnings when his father shot himself in front of him at 7 yrs of age. He grew up in the fostercare system from 8 to 18 yrs old. He spent two years in the juvenile detention system. As an adult he became a kickboxer then professional wrestler. Mickey has worked with greats such as The Iron Shiek from WWF, Buff Bagwell from WCW, Disco Inferno from WCW, Glacier from WCW and Film/TV roles, Chase Stevens from TNA,WWE, and ECW.He has accomplished a 13 year career in wrestling and is a multiple time Champion including Intercotinental title, Tag Titles, Light Heavyweight Titles, Heavyweight Titles, US Titles and even once the Dirty South Title. in wrestling and two time ATKKS Kickboxing Champion. Mickey is a role model to children everywhere he goes. There have been numerous articles in papers on his wrestling career. He is a true success story for youth in the Foster System.